black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Aprenda Música Gospel Online

Aulas e materiais para desenvolver suas habilidades musicais.

Aulas Práticas

Aprenda com instrutores experientes e dedicados.

Material didático para todos os instrumentos disponíveis.

Apoio contínuo para seu aprendizado musical.

Materiais Didáticos
Instrutores Qualificados

Sobre a Echo Music

Na Echo Music, oferecemos aulas de música gospel e materiais para diversos instrumentos, ajudando alunos a desenvolver suas habilidades musicais de forma acessível e eficaz.

person playing guitar
person playing guitar



Alunos satisfeitos

Músicas transformadoras

Nossos Serviços

Oferecemos aulas e materiais para diversos instrumentos, focando no ensino de música gospel.

Aulas de Música

Aulas personalizadas para diferentes instrumentos, adaptadas ao seu nível e estilo musical gospel.

A musician wearing a checkered shirt and cap is playing an acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone on stage. Bright spotlights shine down, and a large screen in the background displays the words 'LET US ADORE HIM'. The setting appears to be a live performance or worship event.
A musician wearing a checkered shirt and cap is playing an acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone on stage. Bright spotlights shine down, and a large screen in the background displays the words 'LET US ADORE HIM'. The setting appears to be a live performance or worship event.
Material Didático

Disponibilizamos materiais de apoio para facilitar seu aprendizado e aprimorar suas habilidades musicais gospel.

Apoio ao Aluno
A person is playing or reading sheet music from a music stand with a religious statue of Jesus on the cross in the background, inside a dimly lit church.
A person is playing or reading sheet music from a music stand with a religious statue of Jesus on the cross in the background, inside a dimly lit church.
A stage with musicians performing, highlighted by bright lights and a large screen displaying lyrics: 'Jesus light of heaven, friend forever his kingdom come'. Two singers are standing in the center, while a musician plays a keyboard on the left. A drummer is positioned on the right behind a drum set.
A stage with musicians performing, highlighted by bright lights and a large screen displaying lyrics: 'Jesus light of heaven, friend forever his kingdom come'. Two singers are standing in the center, while a musician plays a keyboard on the left. A drummer is positioned on the right behind a drum set.

Damos o apoio que for necessário para nossos alunos


Explore momentos especiais de nossas aulas e eventos musicais.


Veja o que nossos alunos estão dizendo sobre nós!

A Echo Music transformou minha experiência musical, proporcionando aulas gospel incríveis e materiais de alta qualidade.

A congregation gathers inside a chapel with a wooden ceiling and chandeliers. People stand in rows facing the altar, adorned with a cross and flickering candles. Musicians are positioned to the right, surrounded by a warm, inviting atmosphere.
A congregation gathers inside a chapel with a wooden ceiling and chandeliers. People stand in rows facing the altar, adorned with a cross and flickering candles. Musicians are positioned to the right, surrounded by a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Vila Velha

As aulas de gospel na Echo Music são excepcionais! O material didático é acessível e os professores são super dedicados. Aprendi muito e estou feliz com meu progresso!

A lively concert scene with a crowd of people enjoying live music. The stage is brightly lit with colorful neon lights and multiple large screens displaying the text 'THERE'S JOY IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD'. The audience appears engaged, with one person prominently raising their hand.
A lively concert scene with a crowd of people enjoying live music. The stage is brightly lit with colorful neon lights and multiple large screens displaying the text 'THERE'S JOY IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD'. The audience appears engaged, with one person prominently raising their hand.

Vila Velha
